Boren's Portfolio Site

Hi I'm Boren Xue and this is my website. I am a programmer with knowledge of Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, and full-stack web development, among others. You can find me on GitHub and LinkedIn. You can view my portfolio projects below.


React Next.js Material UI Zustand

A website to view information about Pokemon. Made using Next.js and React for the frontend, the app uses the 3rd-party API: PokeAPI to fetch data about Pokemon. The Zustand state management library is used to manage global state.

Music Interval Trainer

Music Interval Trainer
React Native React Expo

A simple mobile app to help practice identifying music intervals, also available as a website using React Native for web. Each round generates a random interval and plays the corresponding audio samples. Made using React Native and Expo.

Times Tables

Times Tables
HTML CSS JavaScript jQuery

A website I made to help me practice my times tables. Contains an interactive game written with jQuery to practice and test my times tables knowledge. I used jQuery to practice my JavaScript skills without using a framework.

Dad's Tutoring Website

Jimmy's Tutoring
Astro Tailwind CSS

A website I made for my dad's tutoring business. I used the Astro framework and Tailwind CSS for styling. The contact form uses Resend to send emails and the form is protected with Google reCAPTCHA.